Saturday, January 9, 2010

Plan B

I'm sure you've all heard that life is how we handle Plan B. Being the type A person that I am, it has been a life-long struggle to accept the fact that as organized as I might be......there are just some things I can't plan for! And I think I'm finally learning to say "That's okay!" Spontaneity.....surprises.....they can be fun!

This "change of plans" brings me to Christmas '09. Mid December Ella came down with her third ear infection in 6 weeks and was put on another dose of antibiotics. Then Matt came down with wicked sinus congestion. In the middle of that I had a 24 hour stomach flu bug along with Abbigail. December 24th.....Minot was graced with a massive blizzard. We received 24 inches of snow in 2 days! We even got a call from the police department advising NO TRAVEL in the city and informing us that all snow plows had been removed from the streets and were parked at the fire station in case of emergency! Skidoos were flying down our streets and there was a hum of snow blowers in the air. On Christmas night, Matt came down with the stomach flu as we had all had. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO US!!!

SO much for getting out of town on the 26th......couldn't even get out of our driveway, never mind Matt was too sick to snow blow! So.....we waited.....I tried to think on.... you know....."lovely things" while knowing I was missing out on time with my family.

Then the 27th......still sick and borders were again.....we wait. Now Plan B doesn't seem that fun!

The 28th - finally ready to go. Had great roads the entire way - praise God.

We arrived at Karen and Andrews and set up "shop" - oh the stuff you have to drag along having little ones!!!

The next day (and the next 3 following) the ENTIRE extended family came down with the stomach flu bug! It made it's rounds through the house, some having it worse than others. That was "bonding"!!!

So.....not as many days together as we'd going out to eat as a big turkey Christmas dinner......


We were all together. That's more than a lot of families can say.

We will take life as it comes.