Sunday, March 28, 2010

Food for Thought - Nooma --- RICH by Rob Bell

"I keep seeing this bumper sticker that's popular where I live. It says, 'God Bless America.' Every time I see one, I think God has. God has blessed America." Rob Bell

"Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."
1 Timothy 6:17

"May you come to see that you're rich. And your possessions, they're luxuries that most of the people in the world don't have. And may you do what Jesus says, may you step into your divine responsibility to give, and when you do, may you take hold of the life that is truly life." Rob Bell

Have you ever watched the Nooma Dvds? This is the first one we had watched - RICH - but quickly we picked up more from our church library. Rob Bell has a very neat and current outreach to the church of North America - to think beyond ourselves and stretch our minds. It touches on subjects that are relevant in Christian's lives today. Never really seen anything like it - but I can sense it's life-changing impact. Go check 'em out!

Monday, March 22, 2010

More Monday Musings - March 22

* New camera being ordered today - looking forward to that smile detector!

* lovin' watching Ella throw the toy for Izzy - way braver than her sis she is!

* Spring showers bring May flowers!

* "As God loveth a cheerful giver, so He also loveth a cheerful taker.....who takes hold on His gifts with a glad heart." John Donne

* why is it our nose runs and our feet smell?

* oh the questions of a three year old....Lord help me to be patient.

* lamenting the fact we never built a snowman this year.....and haven't taken Abbigail skating yet.....oh life.....

* reading a new book - A guide to the Spiritual Growth of Children - more like an encyclopedia....may be on this one for awhile!

* still not sure Deaconess Chairs should be under 30......

* forgot what fun plain old pillows can be!!!! Oh and a blanket overtop of two chairs for a fort.....such easy, fun play!

* Each of us may be sure that if God sends us on stony paths, He will provide us with strong shoes, and He will not send us out on any journey for which He does not equip us well." Alexander MacLaren

* wish I understood more about the Obama Healthcare stuff. Our times are in HIS hands.

* how can the days go slow but the weeks go fast?

* "'re just gonna die when you see what Ella's wearing!" Abbigail (explaining idioms to a 3 year old is quite a thing!)

* "Much of my life falls between the answers" John Fischer

* loved the pop-in visit from Auntie Judy - but not as much as the girls did!

* can I put away our winter jackets?

* laundry is a perfect activity on this rainy day - not as perfect as reading a book nibbling on chocolate but that's for another era I'm afraid......

* excited to get our bikes out again! Ella is gonna love riding in the seat on the back.

* Church Basketball season has arrived.....good bye Tues and Fri evenings at home.....hello cheerleading family nights :)

* just bought Resurrection Eggs from CBD - you should check them out!

* no more seizures for Izzy - maybe it is the long hair?

* playing with the Hub.....miss the days before kids.....have to be creative in finding times with just him doing something fun.....such a great marriage builder. Boys like playmates, girls like conversation partners. But seriously....can you believe I went shooting? I'm so proud of myself!

Ella just crawled down the stairs backwards.....all by herself...well maybe a little coaking from her big sis.

* "Only some of us can learn by other people's mistakes. The rest of us have to be the other people."
Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom! - Proverbs 4:7

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Musings

* Never wake a sleeping baby!

* I will always be putting cinnamon in my homemade granola from now on! OOOHHHH YUM!

* Why is it that whenever we go to the doctor, we all get sick about 3 days later? Quite ironic - aren't docs supposed to make you well?

* In spending ourselves we become rich.

* wondering how long till the trumpet blows?

* did you know some cameras have a smile detector? I LOVE IT! Ella smiles constantly but NEVER for the camera - not a poser like her sis!

* In love with the tropical Halls.....gotta find something happy about being sick :)

* dreading making suppers again - contemplating meal planning - AGAIN.....

* spring cleaned my loft/bedroom......oh what a wonderful feeling.....wish my maid would hurry up with the rest of the house!

* can't quite give up the the cuddle time with my Ella Bella :)

* not so sure about being on TV.....

Family jam night was a gong show.....of course it was my bright idea to get out the tambourine and maracas! Then with Ella "playing" piano with me.....made for quite the jubilee! "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" :)

* lovin' our sweet new truck

* planning our summer vacations - but waiting on others to make some decisions know who you are!

* to plant a garden or not plant a that's the question.

* Top AI girls :Siobhan and Crystal

* Top AI boys: Big Mike and Lee

* dreaming about kitchen rennos we may be able to do this Spring/Summer

* NEVER feed my baby a McDonalds Parfait right before bed.......ever....again! (Thanks Auntie Judy)

* You should all listen to "A Tragic Account of Mistaken Identity" on Focus on the Family a few weeks back -

* I'm praying all our coughs away......we need some serious Spring breezes to blow all this crud out of our house!

* always looking for good books for Abbigail - found "The Legend of the Candycane" at the Salvation Army yesterday :)

* anticipating a TEN DAY visit from my dear Laura :)

* dreading the dog poop Spring yard cleanup

* why do we have large windshields and small rearview mirrors? We need to spend more time looking ahead then looking back. (Brady Boyd - New Life Church in Colorado Springs)

* excited to order the Resurrection Eggs from Familylife!

* picking up Ella's Sears pictures tomorrow - little stinker didn't cooperate too well.....wishing I would have done them before she could walk away!

* love my hub's helpful attitude every evening despite his long days at work - He's the best :)

* grilling chicken breast for supper :)

* Monday family night = Planet Earth DVD

* wondering if a park party will work this year for Abbigail's birthday??? Might be wishful thinking for no snow April 15th??? But.....the way it's melting - just maybe....

* evaluating life - trying to live with no regrets....

* wish I wasn't such a snacker....

* going through "taking pictures/video" withdrawl

* why do I have 6 books on the go at the same time.....when in reality I don't even have much time to read?!!!
Raising Unselfish Kids in a Self-Absorbed World
Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours
Courting Trouble
Saving Levi
Words That Hurt Words That Heal
Creative Correction

* God is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE than all we ask or imagine - Eph 3:20

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Livin' my Dream

Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a mom. I played dolls and house till I was 12 and LOVED every minute of it. Barbies and ponies were never my thing cause they just weren't real, ya know? I dreamed of having real live babies of my own and imagined being a mom just like my own. While at church functions and such, I asked moms if I could "watch" their children for them so they could visit. I was constantly with kids...babies being my favorite.

In highschool I spent most of my extra time babysitting. I would drop everything else for a babysitting job cause I got to play "mom" for the day or evening!

In my last year of school, I had to decide what to pursue for further education. Any courses on being a mom? HAHA! I also had a huge heart for missions and also for teaching. But really....deep down....all I wanted to be was a stay-at-home mom. You know....a Domestic Engineer :) But.....of course since I didn't have a man, this wasn't going to be possible at this point! So....I decided to take Intercultural Studies with an TESOL major - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. This was just 3 years vs. 6 to take Education and it incorporated my love for missions.....perfect.

While at college....I met my man....Matt - or more affectionately known as Hub.... 4 years later....Abbigail Joy.....and 3 years later....Gabriella Hope.

Now I'm livin'! This is what I've been waiting for! No job could ever compare to raising my own children.

Do the days get long? Do I ever long for adult conversations? Do I ever wish there was a paycheck? Do I ever envy those with "sick" days? Do I ever wish I was "evaluated" to see how I'm doing? Do I ever want to crawl back under the covers and not have to face my messy house, teething baby and busy toddler?

A BIG YES!!!!! it worth it?


I love having the chance to "Repeat them (God's truths) again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up." Duet 6:7 I love having the chance to impact them for eternity in this way.

For me.....being home with my girls is where it's at :)

Are you livin' your dream?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday (well maybe a few words)

No camera these days so I'm digging from the archives :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Musings

* God is for our marriages!

* To homeschool or not to homeschool......many prayers for this area. What a huge, daunting decision.

* Mothering is the most exhausting yet most fulfilling task in the whole world!

* Love the prayers of my three year old.

* All our expectations of our husbands should first be taken to the Lord - expect Him to change our husbands instead of nagging.....this is a fulfilled marriage.

* Oh in peace :(

* "(For my determined purpose is) that I may know Him - that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding (the wonders of His Person) more strongly and more clearly. And that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection (which it exerts over believers); and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed (in spirit into HIs likeness even) to His death." Phillippians 3:10

* Am I worth listening to or are my words a dime a dozen? Everyone should read "Words that Hurt, Words That Heal" by Carole Mayhall

* laughing is a great way to stay sane! I miss Katy.....

* Challenged to say "if it's God's will....." - this is hard for the "planner" in me!

* still love lists....mostly just crossing things off!

* lots of training on ATTITUDE going on in this house.....

* "To just read the Bible, attend Church and avoid "big" sins - is this passionate, wholehearted love for God?" Francois Fenelon.

* "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan - LOVING IT! "We forget that God never had an identity crisis. He knows he is great and deserves to be at the center of our lives."

* losing weight is despicable! Getting up at 6 am is even worse!

* America is rich. Get CONTENT already!

* Goodwill.....oh how I love you but please don't disown me when I leave you for garage sales.

* "Anxious hearts are very heavy but a word of encouragement does wonders!" Proverbs 12:25

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sisters - 13 months

Everyone has been telling me how much my girls look alike lately. We see SOOOOOOO many differences. What do you see?

Monday, March 1, 2010

Connecting with Hubby

This past weekend we attended a marriage retreat put on by Focus on the Family. It was held in Denver, Colorado and then broadcasted nation wide. Thought I'd share some of what I learned or was refreshed on:

*Marriage is so much more about God than us. He designed it to be a reflection of His relationship with us. Our marriages are the ultimate example of Christ to the world.

*"secure your undivided devotion to the Lord." If we are doing this, our marriages will automatically be great.

*focus on becoming the right person yourself instead of changing your spouse.

*love is fluid - it changes over time and that's okay. There are seasons to love. Les and Leslie Parrott described love using a triangle diagram - on one side is passion (biological - gets love going), the next is intimacy (emotional - we're on the same page) and the bottom is commitment (willful - in spite of all the unpredictable parts of life, I am in this for good!) The commitment holds us together when passion and intimacy may die away for seasons.

* A great way to stay connected quickly is asking "How's your love life?" Each person then rates passion, intimacy and commitment on a scale from 1-10. Then discuss.

*research shows that the amount of love a couple has during the first year or two of marriage, doesn't even compare with the amount of love that a couple experiences after 40-50 years of marriage. In fact, the researchers say it's immeasurable!!!!

Playing with your Hubby is a great way to find true intimacy.

* Look for something to make you and your spouse laugh - every day :)

*Gary Chapman (author of the 5 Love Languages) spoke on the 5 Languages of Apology - very interesting
1. Expressing Regret - I'm sorry that I......
2. Accepting Responsibility - "I was wrong"
3. Making Restitution - "What can I do?"
4. Genuinely Repenting - "I don't want this to keep happening - can you help me?"
5. Requesting Forgiveness - "Can you forgive me?"

Each of us has a primary apology language and we usually apologize in the way we want our spouse to apologize to us. But....we have to recognize that to the other person, their form of apology may be just as heartfelt.

*It takes a couple 9-14 years to go from "me" to "we"!!! This is mainly because the average age for a guy to get married is 28 and a girl is 26....we've lived so much of our lives as single people.

* "A good marriage isn't something you find, it's something you make. The grass isn't greener on the other side, it's greener where you water it." Gary Thomas

* Julianna Slattery - Every guy is asking - "Am I your hero? Do you believe in me (cheerleader) and will you be there for me (teamate)?

Every woman is asking - "Can I feel safe in your love? Do you love/cherish me and am I safe with you?"

*If God is for marriages.....who can be against us?

* Kirk and Chelsea Cameron - Most important ingredient in any lasting relationships is FORGIVENESS.

*Never look down at your spouse but always look up to the cross.

*love not tested is not really love at all

Your marraige is really all about God