Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Musings

* Never wake a sleeping baby!

* I will always be putting cinnamon in my homemade granola from now on! OOOHHHH YUM!

* Why is it that whenever we go to the doctor, we all get sick about 3 days later? Quite ironic - aren't docs supposed to make you well?

* In spending ourselves we become rich.

* wondering how long till the trumpet blows?

* did you know some cameras have a smile detector? I LOVE IT! Ella smiles constantly but NEVER for the camera - not a poser like her sis!

* In love with the tropical Halls.....gotta find something happy about being sick :)

* dreading making suppers again - contemplating meal planning - AGAIN.....

* spring cleaned my loft/bedroom......oh what a wonderful feeling.....wish my maid would hurry up with the rest of the house!

* can't quite give up the the cuddle time with my Ella Bella :)

* not so sure about being on TV.....

Family jam night was a gong show.....of course it was my bright idea to get out the tambourine and maracas! Then with Ella "playing" piano with me.....made for quite the jubilee! "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" :)

* lovin' our sweet new truck

* planning our summer vacations - but waiting on others to make some decisions know who you are!

* to plant a garden or not plant a that's the question.

* Top AI girls :Siobhan and Crystal

* Top AI boys: Big Mike and Lee

* dreaming about kitchen rennos we may be able to do this Spring/Summer

* NEVER feed my baby a McDonalds Parfait right before bed.......ever....again! (Thanks Auntie Judy)

* You should all listen to "A Tragic Account of Mistaken Identity" on Focus on the Family a few weeks back -

* I'm praying all our coughs away......we need some serious Spring breezes to blow all this crud out of our house!

* always looking for good books for Abbigail - found "The Legend of the Candycane" at the Salvation Army yesterday :)

* anticipating a TEN DAY visit from my dear Laura :)

* dreading the dog poop Spring yard cleanup

* why do we have large windshields and small rearview mirrors? We need to spend more time looking ahead then looking back. (Brady Boyd - New Life Church in Colorado Springs)

* excited to order the Resurrection Eggs from Familylife!

* picking up Ella's Sears pictures tomorrow - little stinker didn't cooperate too well.....wishing I would have done them before she could walk away!

* love my hub's helpful attitude every evening despite his long days at work - He's the best :)

* grilling chicken breast for supper :)

* Monday family night = Planet Earth DVD

* wondering if a park party will work this year for Abbigail's birthday??? Might be wishful thinking for no snow April 15th??? But.....the way it's melting - just maybe....

* evaluating life - trying to live with no regrets....

* wish I wasn't such a snacker....

* going through "taking pictures/video" withdrawl

* why do I have 6 books on the go at the same time.....when in reality I don't even have much time to read?!!!
Raising Unselfish Kids in a Self-Absorbed World
Making Children Mind Without Losing Yours
Courting Trouble
Saving Levi
Words That Hurt Words That Heal
Creative Correction

* God is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE than all we ask or imagine - Eph 3:20


  1. Ethan was wondering tonight when the trumpet would blow. "Wouldn't be awesome if we were still alive when Jesus comes back, Mom? Wouldn't it be more awesome if it were TOMORROW??" Oh boy you have no idea how much I'd love that...

    Dog poop spring yard cleanup. oh ew. Right there with ya. :( Another reason I like Ethan's idea. :)

    Creative Correction - one of my FAVORITES! Need to consult it tomorrow for ideas on stopping the SCREECHING my daughter seems to think is FUN.

    And yes, praying for healthy homes!!!!!

  2. Yep, this Ozarks farm chick keeps tellin' daughter ya never wake a sleepin' baby. She wakes her little one to feed him. Believe me when I say this (with love of course) the kid is FAR from starvin'.

    God bless ya'll from the hills and hollers of the Misssour Ozarks!!!
