Monday, March 22, 2010

More Monday Musings - March 22

* New camera being ordered today - looking forward to that smile detector!

* lovin' watching Ella throw the toy for Izzy - way braver than her sis she is!

* Spring showers bring May flowers!

* "As God loveth a cheerful giver, so He also loveth a cheerful taker.....who takes hold on His gifts with a glad heart." John Donne

* why is it our nose runs and our feet smell?

* oh the questions of a three year old....Lord help me to be patient.

* lamenting the fact we never built a snowman this year.....and haven't taken Abbigail skating yet.....oh life.....

* reading a new book - A guide to the Spiritual Growth of Children - more like an encyclopedia....may be on this one for awhile!

* still not sure Deaconess Chairs should be under 30......

* forgot what fun plain old pillows can be!!!! Oh and a blanket overtop of two chairs for a fort.....such easy, fun play!

* Each of us may be sure that if God sends us on stony paths, He will provide us with strong shoes, and He will not send us out on any journey for which He does not equip us well." Alexander MacLaren

* wish I understood more about the Obama Healthcare stuff. Our times are in HIS hands.

* how can the days go slow but the weeks go fast?

* "'re just gonna die when you see what Ella's wearing!" Abbigail (explaining idioms to a 3 year old is quite a thing!)

* "Much of my life falls between the answers" John Fischer

* loved the pop-in visit from Auntie Judy - but not as much as the girls did!

* can I put away our winter jackets?

* laundry is a perfect activity on this rainy day - not as perfect as reading a book nibbling on chocolate but that's for another era I'm afraid......

* excited to get our bikes out again! Ella is gonna love riding in the seat on the back.

* Church Basketball season has arrived.....good bye Tues and Fri evenings at home.....hello cheerleading family nights :)

* just bought Resurrection Eggs from CBD - you should check them out!

* no more seizures for Izzy - maybe it is the long hair?

* playing with the Hub.....miss the days before kids.....have to be creative in finding times with just him doing something fun.....such a great marriage builder. Boys like playmates, girls like conversation partners. But seriously....can you believe I went shooting? I'm so proud of myself!

Ella just crawled down the stairs backwards.....all by herself...well maybe a little coaking from her big sis.

* "Only some of us can learn by other people's mistakes. The rest of us have to be the other people."
Above all and before all, do this: Get Wisdom! - Proverbs 4:7


  1. LOVE Resurrection Eggs (have I already said that?)!!

  2. you are too funny, friend. i'm going to copy and pasted that last quote on facebook. SO true! :)
