Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Love of God

 As I sit home this Easter jammies not our darling Easter outfits......I've been pondering the words to this song.....especially the bolded verse.  Such neat word pictures! 
 The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God gave His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled,
And pardoned from his sin.
                                                                      Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above,
Would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.

O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints’ and angels’ song.
Listen here:  
The love of God - it's beyond our comprehension.  How a perfect God loved us WHILE WE WERE STILL IN OUR SIN and chose to make a way to be free of those sins, is uncomprehendable.  
Are we living in that freedom and giving Him the praise He deserves?  
He died for me, how can I not live for Him?

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Sometimes I just gotta ask myself why I live in North Dakota......end of March and we're still getting frostbite!  

Here's to hoping April will look like this :)  Can't stop a girl from dreaming......

Friday, March 29, 2013

Breaking News! BABY.....peed on the potty :)

there was much rejoicing and high- fiveing tonight!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

First Things First

Well.....alas....before I can post Easter things I must get you caught up with our St Patty's day activities!
First let's all dress in green, lest we get pinched :)
Then we'll partake in some green pancakes......

What does one use to decorate for St Patty's day?  That would be some sticky sided shamrocks slapped on either side of a green spatula stuck in a marble filled green mug for a centerpiece....a shamrock scarf (cause dollar shopping mama's are cool like that) for a runner......and well.....hanging on the curtains - that's Ella's Shamrock from Sunday school that I carefully ripped off her white paper and glued to some green paper.  Shhhhh don't tell her.  The kids seriously get giddy over this and it took me about 8.3 minutes to create :)
Then I set Jonah up with his green every green item I could find....on a green tray of course :)
And the girls and I worked on ROY G. I hope I never grow out of my love for rainbows!  Youtube is also my friend.  Found the coolest song about ROY G. BIV.  Song is such a great way to learn things!  Then we made rainbows out of clay.

And now for the green bath......this was the highlight......pretty sure I won mama of the year in their eyes for this one.  And all I did was drop some green food coloring in the water and dig out the green foam I've been saving for oh.....7.5 years in a tote in the depths of the basement.  All for such a time as this :)  Cut out a few faces and hats and shamrocks and.... VOILA!  A green St Patty's Day bath!

 topped it all off with lime popsicles.....the littles ate theirs in the tub cause that's just smart mommying if ya ask me :)

and then quick downstairs.....humor mama and take one more pic by the green wall......(when your basement is half-finished and old, you cheer it up by painting a lime green wall dontchaknow?) 

They live for theme days......and their mama quite enjoys them as well!

Happy very belated St Patty's Day !

Thursday Thots

Wishing I had some homemade hummus in the fridge to go with these crackers....

This white wonderland needs to go....PRONTO.....but perhaps we shall have an indoor "beach" party this week.....hmmmmm
Did not have nearly enough time with Auntie Karen, Eugenedrew and baby EI :)  So thankful we are truly sad when family leaves.  This is a good problem to have!
"Perhaps the most grateful response we could ever offer God for our restoration is to help another be restored."  Beth Moore
UPS just dropped off a package....either my Math U See for next year or some new books from CBD or Usborne?  Too cold to open the door!
Anytime Jonah's two year molars would like to pop, this mama would be grateful.  
A new favorite verse!  "The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength.   You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever flowing spring.  Isaiah 58:11
Side ponytails and florescent clothing...brings me back to jr high! 

"Our Lord does not whisper hushed condemnations.  Convictions, yes.  Condemnations, no".  
Lysa Terkeurst - highly recommend her book Unglued
Gotta get out the Resurrection Eggs this week before Easter - I like to do them over a few days since there are 12 and then we can expand on the meaning of each of them.
Baby into toddler bed? likes the confinement of the crib!

Garden or no garden?  Must research more ideas of deer-proofing it lest all my produce go to their bellies instead of mine!  The deer and I have a love-hate relationship :)

Loving loving loving age 4 - it's perfectly hilarious in every way :)  I'm ready to laugh after age 3.....

Only pick up house once a day, only pick up house once a day, only pick up house once a day......this is me all day long.  Wasting my energy otherwise.....this is my type A personality being set aside for oh the next 10 years or more likely :)

Abbigail is officially smarter than me.
Praying for:
 a treadmill 
gentler response to the sibling rivalry 
 more hours in the day
Love Ella's attention to detail....perhaps I should have her work on the house cleanup!
Hoping the kids don't revolt when I tell them we are having soup for supper....AGAIN.  Thankful for a Hub who never minds what we have to eat - such a blessing.  As long as I have hot sauce in the fridge, we're good :)

Tomorrow is Friday - Good Friday - the BEST Friday ever. The Friday long ago when my sins were paid for once and for all: past, present and future.  And yours too.....if you believe what Jesus did for you on the cross.  His perfect blood was shed so that we could be presented to God the Father as clean and blameless and spend eternity with Him in Heaven.  End of story.  Hope to see you all there! 

Happy Easter from us to you :)


Monday, March 25, 2013

We are back!  

Well....we really haven't gone anywhere......we've just grown up 2 years to be exact since my last blog post!  Married 11 years now.....Abbigail is 7 in a few days....Ella turned 4 in January and Jonah is 2 in June.

Okay....that is all....for now.....
