Friday, October 29, 2010

The Beautiful Ordinary

A friend of mine sent me an email with this excerpt - it was a huge challenge to me, as definitely one of my passions and yet struggles in life is to learn to be content. This gave me some great perspective - hope you enjoy it too :)

via Nothing Gold by Rachel Harmon by Rachel on 10/13/10

I’ve been busy. Really busy.

But I’ve been happy.

Really happy.

I’ve been trying to consciously focus on the beauty that surrounds me every day. I am rich. I am blessed beyond measure. I am surrounded by luxury that most of the world can’t even fathom. My cupboards, on their barest day, are vast storehouses of abundance to the mother in Ethiopia. The books on my shelves…the magazines on my tables…the Internet at my fingertips is a fathomless well of knowledge that the woman in North Korea can only dream of. I can only imagine what the domestically inclined mother of one in China would think of my four children that fill my home with laughter. I step in a hot shower every day, choose from an array of wonderfully scented soaps, scrubs, and shampoos, and I marvel at the decadence. I open drawers and peer in my closet, and I am astounded at how much I have. I have debated whether to send my children to a private Christian school or to choose from a plethora of available resources to homeschool them, all the while knowing that if I chose to do neither the public education system would educate them for me. We are so blessed. We are filthy, stinking rich, and most of the time we don’t even notice.

I decided to notice.

I have noticed that my house is always messy because it is filled with children. Children who live and laugh and love in this house every day. There is dropped and forgotten food on my kitchen floor more often than not because we have plenty. They have plenty. They never go hungry. It’s always available for them to help themselves when the least feeling of hunger presents itself, and that is the story that the cracker crumbs and sticky yogurt residue tell. The laundry piles up when I’m busy with other things because we have clothes to last us many days without doing laundry. If we run out of anything, we go to the store. If we get sick or hurt, we go to the doctor. If we want to go to church, we go. No one stops us. No one even makes it difficult. We are rich and free and abundantly blessed and we didn’t do one thing to deserve it anymore than those who live in Ethiopia or North Korea or China. God has showed us his unmerited favor, and that has a way of changing your perspective.

I’ve chosen to look around today, and marvel in the beautiful ordinary. The ordinary mess that is the rule rather than the exception. The noise level that can drive you crazy if you don’t take the time to see that it comes from wrestling boys, a little girl learning to play the piano, or the baby singing, “Mommy! Daddy! ‘Lijah!” in a musical testimony to being surrounded by love and family and good things from birth. The busy schedule. The college education, the good job that pays well, the church family, the karate lessons, the piano lessons, trips to the park, playdates with friends, family get-togethers, a little brother’s football game, and on and on and on.

How can we not realize how beautiful our lives are? We have everything we need! We have Jesus. We have family. How can we not revel in every beautiful day? How can we not marvel that our ordinary lives are beautiful, decadent, extravagant displays of wealth and favor?

Take a look around you. If you are rich enough to be able to log on and read this blog post, you are blessed. You are rich. I dare you to notice your ordinary today. Gratitude will follow.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Baby Makes Five :)

Love my hubby and he loves me
Two won't do
Let's make THREE :)

New baby Berube to arrive:

*June 3rd, 2011*

Monday, September 20, 2010

Thots from Coreen and Beth

This weekend I headed to my "home and native land" - Canada! No mommying for a whole 36 hours, precious time with my mother-in-law, 3 grandmas and my sister as well as an AMAZING one-day simulcast conference with BETH MOORE :)

Well worth the $20... plus gas (and Timbits)

Proverbs 31:26
"She opens her mouth with wisdom and on her tongue is the law of kindness."

Beth's entire conference was on these bolded words! And how relevant it was......

We live in a mean world! Kindness sets us apart from this world. People are not expecting it. They are attracted to it.

Also relevant because we women - OPEN OUR MOUTHS!

I am the first to admit it - I'm a chatterbox. That was pretty much the only thing I ever got in trouble for in school......Coreen....talking again.....there's always something to say.....

And now we live in a world of fast communication - open to the public.....

Did you know you are a publisher? If you tweet.....if you Facebook.....if you are a publisher!

The problem is that publishers have EDITORS!

Beth says we need to:

Eat it before we Tweet it!
Good-Look it before we Face-Book it!
Flog it before we Blog it!

This really convicted me......with one click of a button, I am sending a message as to what type of person I am. I am revealing thoughts and perspectives and people are coming to conclusions about what I believe and what I value by what I write.

Am I being kind? Am I being negative? Is what I write edifying anybody else? Am I tearing somebody down? Am I complaining?

Whew! Tough questions! While I do think that we should be honest about our lives and not sugar coat tough situations, we need to ask ourselves if sharing our negative thoughts is okay with all 600 Facebook friends! Did they ALL really need to know that I am angry with my husband for not taking out the trash today?

I know that I have written things that I wish I could take back......I am sure you have social networking has been very valuable in my life......but I want to honor God with my words - not just spoken but also written.

So much easier said than done.....

Philippians 4:8

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

Then....."write about such things."

Friday, August 27, 2010

My Free Entertainment

pure silliness :)

monkey see - monkey do!

um.....not sure?

not to be outdone!

my goofy little girls - comes straight from their dad - the drama major you know :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Little Bro Ties the Knot!

Hugging the new Auntie!

practicing - this is the only picture I got of them with the wagon! Not even on wedding day! I'm sure I'll get one eventually - too busy make sure hair and dresses were presentable!

Ella high fivin' the groomsmen!

last final instructions

we sisters helped Curtis get all dressed up on wedding morning

flower girls passing time till wedding


taking it all in

The beautiful couple :)

signing their life away....

love this one!

Hugs for Aunt Ruth

Ella is infatuated with sunglasses these days!

all married.....finally!

The brothers

The sisters

The Family

The parents :)

The Grandma

The cowboy......a gift given from the maid of honor - Carlanna always dreamed of marrying a cowboy :)

a few giggles before parting

Ella decided she was DONE with this trip (about 20 minutes out of Minot) - threw her blanket over her head and went to sleep!

What a wonderful weekend! Such a God-honoring wedding and we are so happy to have a new sis! Now we're waiting for cousins :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Berube Bites

Raspberry Mellow Square

(I am curious to try this with some AMAZING California peaches we just bought!)

1 cup flour
1/2 cup butter
2 Tbsp sugar
Mix together and pat into a 9x9 pan - Bake at 325 for 15 minutes - Chill

1 3 oz Rasp jello
1 cup boiling water
1 pkg raspberries - 1 1/2-2 cups (or use fresh fruit)
Chill and when somewhat jelled, put onto base

Melt 32 marshmallows in 1/2 cup of milk - Cool - Whip 1 cup of whip cream and fold into mixture.

Chill all for several hours

*I like to add almond flavoring to the base and sprinkle sliced almonds on top. This is such a yummy dessert and very light and fluffy.....a little dangerous as you could eat the whole pan in one sitting :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Family Camping - Downstream Campground - Pick City

Arriving at the campground I told the girls we needed to pray for a spot to set up camp - we had decided quite last minute to go camping and weren't able to reserve a spot! Abbigail wanted to go sit over on this ledge and pray......and God answered with a wonderful spot right across from a park and in the shade!

(and for those of you who think I have the most precious little one - NO.....Ella NEVER EVER sits like this - in fact I think this is the first time I've caught her with a sweet smile and her hands in her lap !!! Still precious for sure - but never ever still!!)

Abbigail and I took a hike while Ella napped - it was through a marshland

forging ahead......the trail that was at least an hour too long for these little legs! What a trooper! She was just sure we would find water to swim in so wore her lifejacket for most of the hike!

gorgeous monarch butterflies we saw EVERYWHERE!

the twins :)

camping staple - brats - Matt enjoying his jalepeno and cheese ones!

my little maid - dishes are always so much more fun to do when you can splash around!

off for an evening swim

my bathing beauty!

a touch chilly when the sun goes down!

snuggling in with Daddy

"Mama....The boys are being mean at the park and calling girls stupid."

And so it begins - the conversations about God only holding us responsible for the things we say not what others say. The conversations about making good choices with our speech. The conversations about doing good to others when they are mean to you.

ready to go!

my little fish

Visited the Garrison Dam - Daddy checking out the HUGE fish while the girls splashed in the murky puddles :)

giggle giggle splash splash

too tired to run - must crawl!

amazing sunset

cool campground ampitheater

Daddy and Abbigail chillin' watching a little Tom and Jerry

finishing off the weekend with a smore! What could be better? Although I must admit I was quite disappointed when Abbigail announced to me that she wished she could have one with just a cracker and a marshmallow - no chocolate.....seriously???? She mustn't be related to me!!!!

What a great weekend getaway as a family - hope there are many more to come :)