Sunday, August 8, 2010

Family Camping - Downstream Campground - Pick City

Arriving at the campground I told the girls we needed to pray for a spot to set up camp - we had decided quite last minute to go camping and weren't able to reserve a spot! Abbigail wanted to go sit over on this ledge and pray......and God answered with a wonderful spot right across from a park and in the shade!

(and for those of you who think I have the most precious little one - NO.....Ella NEVER EVER sits like this - in fact I think this is the first time I've caught her with a sweet smile and her hands in her lap !!! Still precious for sure - but never ever still!!)

Abbigail and I took a hike while Ella napped - it was through a marshland

forging ahead......the trail that was at least an hour too long for these little legs! What a trooper! She was just sure we would find water to swim in so wore her lifejacket for most of the hike!

gorgeous monarch butterflies we saw EVERYWHERE!

the twins :)

camping staple - brats - Matt enjoying his jalepeno and cheese ones!

my little maid - dishes are always so much more fun to do when you can splash around!

off for an evening swim

my bathing beauty!

a touch chilly when the sun goes down!

snuggling in with Daddy

"Mama....The boys are being mean at the park and calling girls stupid."

And so it begins - the conversations about God only holding us responsible for the things we say not what others say. The conversations about making good choices with our speech. The conversations about doing good to others when they are mean to you.

ready to go!

my little fish

Visited the Garrison Dam - Daddy checking out the HUGE fish while the girls splashed in the murky puddles :)

giggle giggle splash splash

too tired to run - must crawl!

amazing sunset

cool campground ampitheater

Daddy and Abbigail chillin' watching a little Tom and Jerry

finishing off the weekend with a smore! What could be better? Although I must admit I was quite disappointed when Abbigail announced to me that she wished she could have one with just a cracker and a marshmallow - no chocolate.....seriously???? She mustn't be related to me!!!!

What a great weekend getaway as a family - hope there are many more to come :)


  1. Sounds like you made some great family memories

  2. What great memories! I love the picture of the girls laying in the sand together!

  3. That was our favorite place to camp when Tanner was little. Wish we still camped...!! Love it.
    Fun to read your posts. You're a good mom, Coreen. (i.e. "the talk")

  4. Just getting back into blogs...looks like great family memories were created this summer!! Great pictures.
