Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Musings

* God is for our marriages!

* To homeschool or not to homeschool......many prayers for this area. What a huge, daunting decision.

* Mothering is the most exhausting yet most fulfilling task in the whole world!

* Love the prayers of my three year old.

* All our expectations of our husbands should first be taken to the Lord - expect Him to change our husbands instead of nagging.....this is a fulfilled marriage.

* Oh in peace :(

* "(For my determined purpose is) that I may know Him - that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding (the wonders of His Person) more strongly and more clearly. And that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection (which it exerts over believers); and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed (in spirit into HIs likeness even) to His death." Phillippians 3:10

* Am I worth listening to or are my words a dime a dozen? Everyone should read "Words that Hurt, Words That Heal" by Carole Mayhall

* laughing is a great way to stay sane! I miss Katy.....

* Challenged to say "if it's God's will....." - this is hard for the "planner" in me!

* still love lists....mostly just crossing things off!

* lots of training on ATTITUDE going on in this house.....

* "To just read the Bible, attend Church and avoid "big" sins - is this passionate, wholehearted love for God?" Francois Fenelon.

* "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan - LOVING IT! "We forget that God never had an identity crisis. He knows he is great and deserves to be at the center of our lives."

* losing weight is despicable! Getting up at 6 am is even worse!

* America is rich. Get CONTENT already!

* Goodwill.....oh how I love you but please don't disown me when I leave you for garage sales.

* "Anxious hearts are very heavy but a word of encouragement does wonders!" Proverbs 12:25


  1. Coreen, whether or not you decide to that God led you to that place & rest in that. I struggled for the first 2 years I homeschooled because I knew there were people who looked down on me for that (people in the church who I really looked up to) & it was really hard. I think I've finally learned though, that it doesn't matter what they think. God led us to do that...and what those people think doesn't matter. (Remind me of this when I struggle again:))
    I love these random thoughts on your blogs!!

  2. losing weight IS despicable and getting up at 6 am is SICK!!!

    you have to take me to some good garage sales. wehn do they start doing those in north dakota?
