Friday, January 8, 2010


For a few years now I've been reading friend's blogs and have thoroughly enjoyed getting a glimpse into your lives.

Life is passing by at an incredible rate and I believe that it is only as meaningful as the connections we make along the way.

For me, those connections are not as easily made over dinner, dessert, shopping or even playdates. The more kids we each add to our lives, the more scheduling becomes an issue the case of a playdate.....the noise definately affects our depth of connection!

I by no means believe, or even want to give up, physically connecting in person with you my friends, but am slowly coming to grips that this is not as possible as it once was. Of course I love having MANY friends - perhaps this is the source of my problem.....but how does one eliminate? Oh no - I could never!

So......this leads me to my point - blogging is a way for me to share my life with you.....for you to see my heart on various hear what my week has looked display pictures of my hopefully provide some encouragement in this thing called LIFE. Because......

It's only as meaninful as the connections we make.