Our dear military friends, Laura and Eric moved to Louisiana last Fall. Have you ever had friends who came out of nowhere and blessed your life in MANY MANY MANY ways that you never even hoped for or prayed for? This was exactly what happened to us in meeting this fabulous couple.
Eric attended Red Flag training in Alaska so for the last 10 days, Laura....or more affectionately - THE NANNY.....came to visit our family WAY UP NORTH. Laura was often at our house when they lived in Minot as Eric was deployed for 5 months and often worked late as well. Our girls quickly fell in love with her (and Eric) and they just became part of the family. This is where her Nanny name began.

Our Northern weather actually was quite lovely for a few days so we had a nice walk/bike ride on one of the first days.

Later in the week we had a picnic at the park where we played on the playground, visited with a goose and played catch.

Forever Friends - this was after our fabulous day out in Bismarck. Matt took the day off to be with the girls and we got to have a girls day shopping and eating :)