Sunday, May 2, 2010


Birthday Party #2

R - Rowdy kids - 18 of them!
A - ABBIGAIL is four!
I - I....yes I.....blew up oodles of balloons - since no one else had the air!
N - New rainbow cake idea
B - Big presents, small presents.....spoiled for sure!
O - Oh boy! 11 friends together in one place!
W - Wet weather - so we partied inside

hmmmmmm good!

so pretty it needs no frosting

but what's birthday cake with no frosting????

white chocolate covered pretzel favors

ring around the rosy

aren't we pretty!

Happy Birthday Abbigail!


  1. Wow! What a great party!! You are an amazing Mom to put all that together. Austen's b-day is the end of the month, I'm afraid I am no where near inviting friends over!

  2. That is such a cool cake idea Coreen!! How did you do it?

  3. Wow! that is quite the cake!!! Quite creative of you!
