The Question:
Do you want a "lots of friends day party" or a "few friends sleepover party"?
The Answer:
We began with a fun game of glow in the dark bowling!
Choosing fun girly-colored balls of course :)
Leah and Ashlyn tied with 70 and Abbigail close behind at 66. When Abbigail felt slightly bad for .5 seconds.....Leah quickly said, "But it doesn't really matter about who wins and you can have cake first anyhow, Abbigail!" Sweet friends they are :)
Abbigail wanted me to surprise her with a cake this year. I had this little wooden jewlery box I had found on clearance at Hobby Lobby one year (or five) ago.....quickly decorated it up with the hot glue gun of course, grabbed a cardboard SEVEN from my scrapbooking stuff, a cute necklace from Ella's dresser and a flower that was going to turn into a hair clip but just never know how that goes!
She wanted either lemon or white cake - NO CHOCOLATE - (totally NOT my daughter with this statement) so I made a layer of each. I made a buttercream frosting with lemon flavoring but added some whipping cream to it to make it more fluffy.
I think it took me about 7.4 minutes to put together! Voila! With the whip cream in there it was super easy to spread and since it was more of a lacy look it didn't have to be done 'perfectly'. My kind of cake decorating since I lack the needed patience quality in order to be a master cake decorator!
Abbigail made some crowns during rest time the week before for each of her friends and herself :)
After playing house for awhile the girls were ready to crawl in for a movie and popcorn! They watched Horseland on my laptop in Abbigail's room and sipped water from baby sippy cups - they giggled and giggled over that!
The next day Shiloh joined us for crepes with whip cream and strawberries and strawberry banana mango smoothies!
Then the girls painted wooden jewlery boxes I got at the dollar store in Winnipeg. LOVE DOLLAR TREE for craft supplies and a host of other things!
Didn't they do a lovely job?!!! Such creative girls they are!
(I may have laughed out loud at Leahs!)
Ella L.O.V.E.D being included in the mix and it sure made it easy on me!
Then came THE PROMISED not promise rings....the rings I had PROMISED them for their jewlery boxes!
I explained in my previous post how I had made them......clear gems, nail polish and rings attached with hot glue. What little girl doesn't like some BLING! I know my girls have been guarding theirs with their life!
I saw Ashlyn's Grandma K with one on at an outing the other night. I must admit I stole one of Ella's rings to go with a dress I wore the other day!
Fun fun! Mama may have needed a bit of a recovery nap after they all left but hearing the giggles of my Abbigail and seeing her smiles made it totally worth it :)
Happy 7th Birthday to my lovely firstborn,
Abbigail Joy
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