Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday Thots

* so thankful to be home - but wish I could have brought an aunt or uncle with me! These kids are pushing me over the top today!

* loving to watch Abbigail craft.....such a creative mind she has!

* I'm sick of winter - mostly the bundling

* my socks have been blessed off by my friends' new CD

* Ella's personality - full-on - over-the-top - pure passion - daredevil - loud - independent

* Abbigail's personality - DRAMA QUEEN!

* the dreaded potty training has begun - much prefer it at home to all the gas station bathrooms - ick!

* our house may go from one bathroom to three this year - this pregnant mama can't wait!

* wish I could order the whole Usborne catalogue!

* exactly how long do you cook raw pot barley?

* if the crying from the bedroom doesn't stop soon I think I might run away!

* I'm having a serious withdrawl from bran muffins......

* pregnancy craving: ORANGES :) Missing the mandarin ones we were spoiled with during our Canadian Christmas....

* it's so freeing to say "no"

* "We CANNOT count on God to arrange what happens in our lives in ways that make us feel good. We CAN count on God to patiently remove all the obstacles to our enjoyment of Him. He IS committed to our joy and we can depend on Him to give us enough of a taste of that joy and enough hope that the best is still ahead to keep us going in spite of how much pain continues to plague our hearts." - LARRY CRABB

* did you know snakes don't have eyelids?

* ultrasound - Jan 17th - boy or girl???? Guesses???


  1. Girl:)
    What CD is it?
    I love Usborne too!
    Great to hear from you:)

  2. boy. (boys are so much fun!) chloe is sooo not ready for potty training. let me know how it goes with ella! :)

  3. Boy...we need more boys in our family!!!

  4. Interesting thoughts for the day. . . enjoyed the quote from Larry Crabb. . . as for the snakes, I have never and do not plan to EVER be close enough to a snake to find out ANYTHING about their eyelids or any other part of their body!

  5. wish I could have come home with you too!
