I fully expect some tears to flow as I write this post.......cause I'm sentimental like that when it comes to my kids.....
April 15, 2006 - born on Easter Weekend |
Gotta love the one year old pudge :) |
Crazy Hairs! 2 years old |
My THREE year old ray of sunshine |
Pure FOUR year old delight :) |
Sassy Pants FIVE year old! |
Dress up fun at SIX |
SEVEN year old shock! WHAT!!!????!!! There's snow on my birthday?????? It's North Dakota - anything goes! |
Oh my darling Abbigail. What would I do without you? You are my second pair of eyes around here. You see what needs doing and jump in to do it often before I even ask you. You are so responsible and trustworthy and a wonderful example and big sissy to Ella and JoJo. I love your curiousity and your need to KNOW. Your love for learning will take you far in life.
Your DRAMA always makes life interesting.....like the time you totally lost it and were in tears over the fact that I owned no Elmo undies like you did! We have always giggled about the funny things you say. Like calling Adam and Eve - Adam and Even! Or telling us about riding in Grandma's "hiccup" (pickup). Or how you told us one day that God made some people girls and some people boys and some people dogs! And everything was "lasterday". We overheard you reading the Cmas story one days and you said that the wisemen brought gold, myhrr and FRANKLIN!
I am so thrilled to know that you have Jesus living inside of you and that you are wanting to grow to be like Him. After asking Jesus into your heart I remember us going to Target together and when you saw the big red Target circle in the mall window you said "There's the big stone Jesus rolled away!"
I love you with all of my heart and am thankful God brought you into our life.
Now STOP growing!
Love, Mama
ps. excuse me while I go wipe my tears.....and try to figure out how to raise a seven year old :)