Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Seasons of Service

"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention"

Just saw this quote today a friend had posted on Facebook.  

I have always enjoyed serving others for as long as I can remember.  

When I was a girl:
I remember writing encouragement notes in church to various people. 

 I remember going to the Nursing Home with my family to sing for the elderly and brighten their day. 

I remember helping out my teachers in their classrooms during the summertime to get ready for school in the Fall.

I remember going with my mom to deliver flowers or food or baking to the elderly in our church.

As a teenager:
 I remember offering to babysit for mothers during potlucks and church functions.

I remember serving on various mission trips and with Child Evangelism.

I remember volunteering at the Nursing Home as a Candystriper and playing the piano for the elderly.

As a wife:
 I remember having oodles of free time to help with other's kids.

I remember serving on the worship teams and with AWANA and in the Nursery and on committees and at church functions and on the Connect Teams.

And now......?  As a mom?  Who do I serve?  Does anyone care what I do?  Does anyone see what I do?  Does it matter to anyone?  

These are the questions I have wrestled with for 6 + years.  

My Family - Matt, Abbigail, Ella and Jonah (and Lexi if she's lucky!)

They are who are serve.

As mundane as it may be.  THEY see what I do.  It matters to THEM.  

The attitudes I have as I clean up their messes, fold their laundry, make the 30th meal of the month, drive them to piano lessons, sweat it out watching their swimming lessons, teach them how to properly make a bed or brush their teeth or peel the carrots.  The manner in which I discipline them.  They notice and they will repeat.....oh how scary!

But if you are like me, you want an outlet.  Something besides the hubby and kids every now and then.  

But all in balance.  All in check.  Lest the "something else" overtake family.

What a balancing act that is!!!

So I come to the SMALLEST acts of kindness.  There are small things that we can do as moms - above and beyond our families.  

For so long I wanted to do BIGGER things.  More noticeable things perhaps.  

But God keeps bringing me back to prioritizing my own family - my FIRST ministry.  He's teaching about seasons in life.  

I have enjoyed trying to find ways to include my kids in some of these small acts.  Things that are actually doable in my day-to-day life - not just grand intentions.  Such as:

Taking cookies to the neighbor.

Visiting an elderly friend who is shut-in.

sending cards to far-away relatives.

These are small ways that we can serve within our homes.

God is looking at our hearts.  

The way that I was serving as a girl, teen and wife is not any greater than the way I serve now.  It just has a different face.

And anyhow.....raising children is no small thing!  We are raising the next generation of leaders!  So perhaps, although less visual, more important and critical.

Let's choose to be intentional and DO the small things God lays on our hearts today.

I love this quote as it relates to service......

In spending myself, I become rich. 

How cool that God would bless our socks right off when we choose to bless others by serving them!
Abbigail serving Jonah by boosting him up the snow pile!





  1. Ah, thanks! I was struggling with this today, and failing miserably. Can be difficult to find joy in the mundane. Thanks for the encouragement.

  2. So true...and I too needed the reminder! Thanks Coreen!
